Our Team

Traffic Safety Professionals

Doron has an in-house staff of professionals who have broad experience and career commitments to traffic safety training. This includes individuals educated in traffic safety, public administration, electronics and/or law and is supported by curriculum committee(s) which include nationally recognized traffic safety education experts. This team supports the ongoing development of related materials and the advancement of simulation technology as it relates to driver training and traffic safety.


Doron’s electrical/electronic engineers, mechanical and software engineers, technicians and draftspersons have extensive experience in the development of various types of driving simulator systems and related sub systems, including motion systems. Their goal is always to utilize the latest, but most appropriate, cost-effective state-of-the art technologies in developing easy to use and reliable systems.

Service Technicians

Since 1973 Doron has maintained a full-time professional staff of factory trained technicians responsible for the installation and maintenance of all Doron manufactured systems. Doron’s service personnel are strategically located throughout the country to provide high quality and effective service. Doron’s service technicians are fully supported by our large replacement parts inventory.

Sales & Customer Support

Doron’s salesmanship, based on extensive experience, knowledge, honesty and integrity, is supported by a full-time customer service staff and is unmatched in the industry.